The general's words failed to impress the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden of Delaware, who spoke on CNN's Late Edition program. 彼得雷乌斯将军的话并没有打动美国参议院外交关系委员会主席、德拉瓦州参议员乔.拜登。
For China, as elsewhere, the general list of most-searched words and phrases, in terms of absolute numbers, is fairly predictable. 同其他地域一样,中国内地按绝对数目权衡的搜索最多关头词也根基都在意料之中。
Just to get some definitions straight, let us look at the general meaning of the two words system and part 为了对一些定义进行简化,让我们首先看看系统和部件这两个词的一般含义
The General Manager's words reflected his quick thinking and broad views. 总经理先生敏捷的思维和对大局的统筹可见一斑。
The delegation also thanked the director general for his words of commitment, which it considered extremely important. 代表团也感谢总干事作出代表团认为十分重要的承诺。
Paying great attention to ceremony and propriety is a fine tradition in Chinese history and culture, and general humble words are inheritance of the tradition. 社会通行的谦敬用语是对我国历史文化中重视礼仪这一传统的继承。
Current Status, Challenge and Prospect of Liver Transplantation in General Words 漫谈肝移植现状、挑战与前景
General characteristics: Person deictic words are much less used in legislative texts than those used in judicial and enforcement processes; 共性特点:立法语言人称指示语的使用频率低于司法语言和执法语言;
Idioms, compared with the general words, possess stronger cultural characteristics of different nations or regions. 成语比一般词语具有更强的民族地域文化特征。
General address words for the communications among same generations; 与同辈人交际的通用称呼语;
As we study English words, we should pay special attention to semantic relationships of words besides beginning with pronunciation, spelling and general meaning of words. 学习英语词汇除了从读音、拼写及一般定义入手外,还应特别注意词的语义关系这一因素。
The part of lexical anaphora consists of the following five aspects: synonyms, super-ordinates& hyponyms ( i.e., general words), demonstrative pronouns 'Zhe ( this)' and' Na ( that)', the focal parts and the modifiers of the antecedents. 在词汇回指形式的选择这一部分中,分别从同义词语、上/下位词(统称词)、指示代词这和那、先行语重点部分以及修饰词这五个部分来进行阐述;
General View on 3-Syllabled Words in Modern Chinese Language 近代汉语三音词概述
The general quantity of words was regarded as statistical index. Mini-Mental State Examination included 30 items totally, right answer as 1 point, wrong answer or answering did not know as 0 point. 简易精神状况检查共30个小项,每项回答正确评1分,回答错误或答不知道评0分,以所得总分为统计指标,以1~24分为有认知功能障碍。
General ways of learning English words are not practical to the learning of easily-confused words. 一般学习英语单词的方法,对一些易混淆词是不实用的,关键问题是读音、用法等方面的相似容易造成混淆。
A General Survey of the Compound Words Containing-ed in English 带有&ed成分的英语复合词概览
Therefore, the author simplifies the classification into the following three: idioms, common sayings and general words. 因此,在本文中,笔者将分类简化,简单分成三类:成语类词语、俗语类词语以及一般性词语。
Barclays will be a general abstract concepts and meaningless words of criticism extends to the ontological horizon, this will form the abstract idea of its anti-the other part, that criticism of the concept of material entities. 巴克莱将对一般抽象观念和无意义语词的批判,延伸到本体论视域,便形成了其反抽象观念的另一部分,即对物质实体观念的批判。
For the general characteristics of words, suggested methods of recognizing Chinese words are two steps, three criteria and two notes. 2. 本研究的结论如下:1.从词的一般特点上分析,提出辨别汉语词的方法是两个步骤、三个标准、两点注意。
Linguistic features include word frequency, general VS specific words, cataphora, first person pronoun and rhetorical questions. 语言特征包括词频、模糊词和具体词、下指词、第一人称代词和修辞问句。
The words of each domain are classified into characteristic words and general words according to their contribution to the current domain. 对各领域中的词汇按照其对当前领域的贡献程度分为特征词和常用词。
Domestic and international research on city square features has already had some results, however, we still use such general words as "unique" or "no characteristics" to describe the general nature. 虽然国内外关于城市广场特色的研究已经有了一些成果,但是当我们评价一个城市广场景观特色时,往往还是用有特色或没特色等笼统性的词语描述。
English for trade is featured by its plenty of terminologies, and many general words are found with different meaning in the trade context. 贸易英语使用大量的专业词汇,有些普通词汇在贸易英语里有着特殊的不同的意义。
It enjoys high frequency in daily use, vivid and interesting, with more profound unique cultural connotation compared with the general words. 它在日常生活中的使用频率高,生动、形象、有趣,而且具有比一般词语更深刻的独特文化内涵。
As a linguistic representation of a special lexical group in EST& semi-technical word, which has distinctive features on its own compared with general English words and words in other registers has become a problematic issue both for EST learning and teaching. 次技术词作为科技英语中特殊的语言现象,相比通用英语与其他文体,具有其自身特点,因而也成为了科技英语学习及教学中的难点。
Cultural words is different from the general words, it contains rich cultural information. 文化词语不同于一般词语,它蕴含丰富的文化信息。
On the basis of such research, character usage is put forward. ( 3) The relationship database of general characters and words, which has 18,798 records, is used as a platform to observe the relationship between characters and words. 建立了通用字词关系数据库,共18798条记录,以此作为考察字词语关系的平台。
At first, we introduced the general of the Piling female words in Jia-Dao years. 首先,介绍了嘉道年间毗陵女性词的概貌。